Heroes of the Skies

TV Series – Episode 3 – Wing Walker
(Channel 5, October 4 2012, 8pm)            

Like all the Allied bombers of Second World War, the crew of the Lancaster ME669 had one of the most dangerous jobs in the RAF: to dodge deadly enemy fire and drop mega-tons of high-powered explosives over Nazi Germany.

Without them, Hitler may have emerged victorious.

But the tactic called “total war”, a controversial strategy that turned cities into legitimate targets, overshadowed their legacy. Yet, for the more than 100,000 volunteers – half of who would not return – there was no other option.

The rookie crew of Lancaster ME669 began their careers with a near-death crash landing. But the band of brothers bounced back with vigour, determined to defy the grim statistics of their profession.

Ordered to fly 30 missions, no one expected to make it past 14.

Somehow luck was on their side and despite another crash landing and bloodcurdling missions over Berlin, Germany’s most defended city, their heroic feats piled up. Until their final mission when they were forced to go deep into the heart of industrial Germany, and this time, the men would not be so lucky.